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Kelly Nelson

Owner/Vice President

A native of Madisonville, KY, Kelly graduated from North Hopkins Sr. High School and began her college studies at Madisonville Community College. Following their marriage in April of 1984, she moved with Jimmy to Norfolk, VA, where he was stationed with the U.S. Navy. While in Virginia, Kelly continued her work in banking, which she began as a teenager at Farmers Bank and Trust in Madisonville. She also continued her college studies at Tidewater Jr. College.

After Jimmy's discharge from the Navy, the young couple moved to Madisonville and Kelly went to work for the town's leading CPA firm. She became a mother with the birth of Kristin in August of 1989, followed by Maggie's birth in June of 1993. Just a few months after Maggie's birth, the family moved to Florida and Kelly focused primarily on her roles as wife, mother, and home-school teacher to Kristin and Maggie. Once she had successfully educated both of the girls through the eighth grade, Kelly was again able to turn her talents towards the family's financial advisory business.

With her valuable experience in banking and accounting, Kelly now works as the Vice-President and Bookkeeper for On Point Wealth Management.

However, those closest to her most appreciate Kelly's grace, humor, and personal fortitude, not to mention her penchants for high heels and interior decoration. She is also known by her gifted singing, which is what first turned the head of a certain young sailor in 1983 (not to mention the dress and heels that she was wearing).

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